What is HTTP?

Full form of HTTP is Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTP offers set of rules and standards which govern how any information can be transmitted on the World Wide Web. HTTP provides standard rules for web browsers & servers to communicate. HTTP is an application layer network protocol which is built on top of TCP. HTTP uses Hypertext structured text which establishes the logical link between nodes containing text. It is also known as “stateless protocol” as each command is executed separately, without using reference of previous run command.

What is HTTPS?

HTTPS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. It is highly advanced and secure version of HTTP. It uses the port no. 443 for Data Communication. It allows the secure transactions by encrypting the entire communication with SSL. It is a combination of SSL/TLS protocol and HTTP. It provides encrypted and secure identification of a network server. HTTP also allows you to create a secure encrypted connection between the server and the browser. It offers the bi-directional security of Data. This helps you to protect potentially sensitive information from being stolen. In HTTPS protocol SSL transactions are negotiated with the help of key-based encryption algorithm. This key is generally either 40 or 128 bits in strength.

Advantages of HTTP

HTTP can be implemented with other protocol on the Internet, or on other networks HTTP pages are stored on computer and internet caches, so it is quickly accessible Platform independent which allows cross-platform porting Does not need any Runtime support Usable over Firewalls! Global applications are possible Not Connection Oriented; so no network overhead to create and maintain session state and information

Advantages of HTTPS

In most cases, sites running over HTTPS will have a redirect in place. Therefore, even if you type in HTTP:// it will redirect to an https over a secured connection It allows users to perform secure e-commerce transaction, such as online banking. SSL technology protects any users and builds trust An independent authority verifies the identity of the certificate owner. So each SSL Certificate contains unique, authenticated information about the certificate owner.

Next in this tutorial, we will learn about main HTTP and HTTPS difference.

Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS

The below table demonstrates what is difference between HTTP and HTTPS:

Limitations of HTTP

There is no privacy as anyone can see content Data integrity is a big issue as someone can alter the content. That’s why HTTP protocol is an insecure method as no encryption methods are used. Not clear who you are talking about. Anyone who intercepts the request can get the username and password.

Limitations of HTTPS

HTTPS protocol can’t stop stealing confidential information from the pages cached on the browser SSL data can be encrypted only during transmission on the network. So it can’t clear the text in the browser memory HTTPS can increase computational overhead as well as network overhead of the organization

Difference between HTTP and HTTPS protocol

Types of SSL/TLS certificate used with HTTPS

Now in this HTTPS and HTTP difference tutorial, we will cover the types of SSL/TLS certificates used with HTTPS:

Domain Validation:

Domain validation validates that the person who applies for a certificate is an owner of the domain name. This type of validation generally takes a few minutes up to a few hours.

Organization Validation:

The Certification Authority not only validate the domain’s ownership but also owners identify. It means that an owner might be asked to provide the personal ID proof document to prove their identity.

Extended Validation:

Extended validation is a topmost level of validation. It includes validation of domain ownership, owner identity as well as registration proof of business.