Warning: SPOILERS for The Immortal Hulk: Great Power

The Immortal Hulk: Great Power shows how the Jade Giant’s powers get transferred to Spider-Man, but this isn’t the only change to the big green guy since Al Ewing took over his main book, The Immortal Hulk – nor is it the biggest reveal of this one-shot story. By the end of the book, the Hulk reveals he knows Spider-Man’s secret identity, and he has known since Peter first unmasked himself to the world during the first Civil War event. This is a major shock to Peter Parker, who thought he erased everyone’s memory of his identity in “One More Day”.

During the first Civil War event, Peter Parker unmasked himself to the world when he sided with Tony Stark and supported the Super-Human Registration Act. By the end of the event, Peter would regret his decision. He first switched side to fight with Captain America, after seeing just how far Tony was willing to go to win the war. Then, his life falls apart. During “One More Day”, Aunt May is left on her death bed after an attack. In order to save her life and once again conceal Spider-Man’s secret identity to keep the ones he loves safe, Peter makes a deal with the devil himself – Mephisto.

In exchange for Aunt May’s life and Peter’s identity, Mephisto dissolves Peter and MJ’s marriage. Such a powerful spell has stood ever since. Once it was cast, the world’s knowledge of who Spider-Man is disappeared. Spider-Man has since told some close allies over the years his identity, but to most of the world, Mephisto’s spell has held. Or so we thought. The Hulk calls Spider-Man Peter. Shocked by the Hulk’s knowledge of his identity he listens as he describes how Peter made everyone forget who he is. Banner forgot, but not the Hulk – he doesn’t forget.

The Green Goliath has had some big changes, one of the biggest being his immortality. He cannot die, and neither can Bruce Banner. The night is now the Hulk’s time, although Bruce and the Hulk are working together so he is not confined to the night. As the newest climate change warrior, the Hulk is an agent of the One Below All, and he has a connection to the Green Door and Hell. He will be there at the end of this universe, and when the next one begins. All of these reveal suggest the power and strength of the Devil Hulk,  and the newest reveal is as terrifying as the rest – the devil has no power over him.

Who this is more terrifying for is still unclear: Spider-Man? The Hulk says he will continue to keep Peter’s secret, going as far to say that he is a good man. As he leaves Spider-Man he gives an almost ominous warning that he will try to remember that the next time they meet. And with the Hulk’s reveal that he never forgets, this is even more of a warning. Or, is this more terrifying to Mephisto? Knowing there is a being powerful enough to withstand his spells, means he has no control over him, showing the true strength of the Jade Giant. Either way, you have to respect the Hulk’s ability to keep a secret.

Why was the Hulk not affected by Mephisto? Was it because of his strength and connection to the Green Door? Or was he simply buried in his Banner subconscious when the spell was cast? The issue poses some interesting questions.

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