A new trailer for Hulu’s upcoming documentary Batman and Bill showcases the oft-forgotten co-creator of Batman, Bill Finger. Everybody knows Batman - one of the most popular superheroes in comic book history, re-imagined on TV and in movies time and time again. Since his first appearance in Detective Comics in the ’30s, Batman and his ever-growing Bat-family have been front and center for DC. Now, the latest on-screen version of Batman is played by Ben Affleck, and will be getting his own solo movie sometime after his next big-screen appearance in Justice League.

While everybody knows a little about Batman, fewer can name his creator, although the name pops up on every title. Bob Kane has long been the accepted creator of Batman and many of the other characters that populate Gotham, but now a new Hulu documentary seeks to put the spotlight on another man who helped to create Bruce Wayne.

The documentary, titled Batman and Bill, will premiere on Hulu on May 6th, and tells the story of the forgotten writer Bill Finger. The synopsis and a new trailer show evidence that Finger was instrumental in the creation of Batman and several other characters.

As well as pointing out how many famous Gotham residents were the work of Finger, the trailer also shows a brief clip of director and nerd icon Kevin Smith, which should be a great draw for fans of comic book movies.

Everyone thinks that Bob Kane created Batman, but that’s not the whole truth. One author makes it his crusade to seek justice for Bill Finger, a struggling writer who was the key figure in creating the iconic superhero, from concept to costume to the very character we all know and love. Bruce Wayne may be Batman’s secret identity, but his creator was always a true mystery.

This isn’t the first time that there has been controversy over who created a famous comic book character, and it’s unlikely to be the last. However, this promises to be a fascinating look at a character that everybody knows, and should be a big draw for the streaming service. The documentary will only be available on Hulu, which is part of its push to create more original content in the same way that Netflix does, with original series and documentaries like this one. With such a popular subject and a little controversy to spice things up, Batman and Bill may be a must-watch documentary for DC fans this year.

Next: Should Superhero Movies Keep Using the Same Actors?

Batman And Bill comes to Hulu May 6th.

Source: Hulu