With on demand content becoming more popular with services such as Netflix and Hulu, companies are looking for other ways to make money by pushing ads in new ways. Hulu is today making Pause Ads official.

TechCrunch reports that the majority of its subscribers are using the ad-supported plan anyways, so they’re used to seeing commercial breaks. The good news is that the new Pause Ads will not be video ads.

Hulu says that advertisers don’t want to push video ads using this method, either.

Ads while paused are meant to be out of the way as well. The company envisions it as “a car billboard on the side of the road” versus something that’s loud and grabs your attention.

The company also says that it plans to keep advertisers happy in this space. This means that advertisers will be able to opt-out of shows and movies that may have adult content or are rated TV-MA.

Pause Ads will begin rolling out in the second quarter of the year. Hulu has already partnered up with two advertisers: Coca-Cola and Charmin. DirecTV is planning on launching its own version of pause ads sometime this year as well.