Android might have the sheer weight of numbers, but when it comes to ecommerce, it’s iPhone and iPad owners retailers want to attract. Online shopping data compiled from Thanksgiving shopping yesterday showed that despite iOS devices in the US being outnumbered almost two-to-one by Android, it’s iOS devices that dominate online purchasing.

iOS accounted for a quarter of online purchases, compared to less than 7% for Android devices. Average order value was also higher, at $118.57 compared to Android’s $95.25 … 

The data was compiled by IBM’s Digital Analytics unit, which reported that overall mobile purchasing was up 25% year-on-year.

The greater financial value of iOS owners is likely to be front of mind for retailers when it comes to making decisions between support for Apple Pay and rival mobile payment services, providing hard numbers to support the case made by Hitachi Consulting in a recent CIO magazine post that iPhone 6 owners are the affluent target retailers want to reach.

Apple has been adding new online partners as well as bricks and mortar stores to its Apple Pay platform, with and the Disney Store app two of the most recent arrivals.

Via TechCrunch