Idris Elba has joked about playing James Bond in a new SNL sketch. Elba, who has amassed a lengthy acting resume over the years with roles in the TV series Luther, as well as a variety of high profile film projects like the Avengers franchise, is no stranger to the lure of James Bond.

In 2015, when Daniel Craig told reporters that he’d rather slash his wrists than play British super spy James Bond again, the world was abuzz with speculation and rumors as to who could be the next actor in line to take on the iconic role. Of all the names offered up for consideration at the time, the one name that seemed to get the most mileage (or at least create the largest debate) was Elba’s. Of course, Craig later backtracked on his apparent disdain for the 007 role that made him a household name, and after a variety of setbacks were cleared up, it was confirmed that Craig would return for Bond 25, thereby ending the speculation that Elba might actually have a shot.

Even now however, with Bond 25 well on its way toward kicking off production, the Idris Elba as Bond phenomenon is not so easily forgotten. Given its popularity and the unknown future that lies ahead for Bond should Craig stay true to his word and make this his last 007 film, SNL and Elba took the chance to poke fun at the very idea of Elba knowing what it takes to play the legendary super suave, super cool spy. Check out the video below for the entire sketch, though the Bond-specific joke begins at the 4:53 mark.

The sketch imagines a game show called Can I Play That? in which unknown actors try to guess the roles that they are best suited for. At one point, after suffering a lengthy list of rejections regarding the roles he can play, Elba responds to the question of “Can you play James Bond?” by saying, “Hey, I know the answer to that one!” whereby the host of the ridiculous game show, Kenan Thompson, cringes and asks, “Do you, though?” The moment is a poignant, yet humorous one for those who desperately wanted to see Elba become 007, and it’s not the first time that Elba has shown his sense of humor over the missed opportunity, either. Bond fans will remember the “awkward look” photo shared by Elba during last year’s Golden Globe Awards.

All jokes aside, if things go according to plan - and let’s be honest, it seems that when it comes to James Bond, things rarely go to plan - and Craig call it quits after Bond 25, there will still be a 007 vacancy. Elba has previously claimed that he doesn’t want to be defined by such a huge role, though whether those are his true feelings or just a method by which to continue keeping 007 rumors at bay remains to be seen. What Bond fans do know is that Elba as Bond continues to be a legitimate discussion - one that Elba seems all too willing to joke about, and which supporters are eager to keep alive.

More: 15 Reasons Why Daniel Craig Should Retire As James Bond

Source: SNL

  • Bond 25 Release Date: 2021-10-08