Earlier this week, a report explained a new repair policy for MacBook Pro and iMac Pro models with Apple’s new T2 chip inside. Essentially, Apple distributed a new repair document among its authorized service providers explaining that a machine would be “inoperable” following repair unless its proprietary System Configuration software was run. This requirement would mean the death of independent Mac repair in many instances.

iFixit has now taken a closer look at the new repair policy, and found a mix of results.

In a blog post, iFixit explains that its lab testing has found that “independent (and DIY) repair is alive and well, but it is under threat.” The repair experts describe the new System Configuration requirement as sort-of an ‘E.T phone home’ type requirement:

To test the new requirement, iFixit purchased a new 2018 MacBook Pro, disassembled it, and swapped displays with another 2018 MacBook Pro unit. After that repair, both MacBook Pros functioned normally – even when updated to Mojave.

After that success story, iFixit swapped logic boards between the MacBook Pros and saw the same results. This signals hope for independent Mac repair – at least for now.

Ultimately, iFixit explains that even though Apple outlined its new requirement in a document sent to technicians this week, it doesn’t appear to be live just yet. Of course, it’s possible that a very near software update could retroactively render the “incomplete repairs” inoperative, the site notes.

iFixit speculates that the software Apple is using in post-repair tracks serial numbers and other parts data as a way of “keeping their authorized network in line.” In other words, independent Mac repair could soon be no longer.

What do you think of Apple’s requirement impending repair requirement changes? Is it the right move for security reasons? Let us know down in the comments!