Contrary to the recent larger-screen iPhone rumors, iMore today says Apple is scheduled to release a 3.5-inch LTE iPhone in October of this year.

  • Similar—if not same-size—screen (currently 3.5-inch, but not set in stone).
  • 4G LTE radio
  • New “micro dock” connector
  • Fall/October 2012 release

The timing of Apple’s new iPhone is also under question with iLounge, and then our sources put the release closer to summer. The new docking connector, or “new way to charge the iPhone,” was first reported by the Wall Street Journal and has since been reiterated in various ways. A micro-dock could manifest itself into something like a standard Micro-USB port. With the direction of technology heading to Wireless and iCloud more and more, going to the standard Micro-USB may make a lot of sense.

LTE is already a forgone conclusion at this point, but it will be interesting to see if Apple pursues the smaller, next-gen chips put out by Qualcomm or the current generation of chips that the new iPad enjoys.

  • iOS 5.1 code shows iPhone LTE call and FaceTime switching (
  • Morgan Stanley now pricing AAPL stock near a $1000 bull valuation on 2H LTE iPhone, enterprise and emerging markets (
  • Best Buy selling almost as many iPhones as Apple… with four times as many stores (
  • Report: Starting a new pattern, Apple to launch its next iPhone in fall 2012 (
  • Rumor wrap-up: Apple’s new iPad and 1080P Apple TV media event (