Inbox by Gmail, which Google appears to view as a replacement for the popular email client Sparrow, has been very quietly updated, notes TechCrunch, to include a native build for iPad. The app is currently only available in some countries (including the U.S.), and neither the App Store description nor What’s New entry mention the iPad build.

The app, which our hands-on last October described as “a marriage between Gmail and Google Now,” has tended to polarise views, some loving it, others hating it–with very few falling between the two … 

No new functionality has been added, and you still need an invite to use the app–which you can apply for here. The app itself is a free download from iTunes.

It’s believed that the Inbox app has been largely developed by the Sparrow team Google acquired back in 2012. Google removed both the iOS and Mac versions of the Sparrow email client a few days ago.