Are you going to be the one left with the big juicy slice? Perhaps you’ve already planned out some cute Christmas captions for Instagram, or even some funny Christmas Instagram captions… But are captions enough? What other little tips can you put to work this holiday season to really get the most out of your Christmas promotions? In today’s blog we’re going to share ten tips for you – enjoy!

1. Christmas Instagram Story Highlight

One of the easiest ways to promote your Christmas gift ideas and products without spamming your followers with a tonne of grid posts one after the other is with an Instagram Story highlight! Having a dedicated highlight reel will mean that you can showcase all of your goodies at once, and their prices, so that your audience can quickly get an idea of what they could purchase from you. Y’know, they’ve got to make their lists and check it twice!

2. Change Up Your Hashtags

It is really easy to get caught in a hashtag rut, so here are a few hashtags to add to your sets for the holiday season.

▪ #ChristmasLoading ▪ #ChristmasPromotion ▪ #AllIWantForChristmas ▪ #ChristmasPresents ▪ #ChristmasTradition ▪ #ChristmasShopping ▪ #HolidaySavings ▪ #StockingStuffer ▪ #GiftSmall

Also, there are a bunch of different communities out there, so why not tap into them by using community hashtags in your holiday posts? Think:

▪ #abmhappylife ▪ #myhappyviews ▪ #thatsdarling ▪ #lovelysquares ▪ #momentsofmine ▪ #darlingmovement ▪ #flashesofdelight

  10 tried-and-tested social strategies to smash your Black Friday sales Grab your handy done-for-you sales strategy content prompts

3. Re-Create Best Performing Content

One way to make sure your engagement is up this holiday season is to review your best-performing Instagram content. Take a look at what colors and captions performed well for you in the past and try to create content that follows a similar theme. You are way more likely to get a positive response, and increase Christmas Instagram sales!  


4. Post at Your Best Times

Another ‘no-brainer’ tip is to make sure you are posting to Instagram at your best posting times. You could also try out some new posting times if you’re feeling frisky – our recommendation would be to test out a new posting time about 4-5 hours after or before your usual ‘best’ posting times if you’d like to make sure at least one of your content pieces perform well.

5. Do an Instagram Live Q&A

A fantastic way to increase Christmas Instagram sales is to show your face and talk to your audience! This builds trust like nothing else. In your IG live video you can share your best picks for the holidays, how you are gift wrapping for customers this year, as well as your shipping cut off times for international and national orders. And once your live video is completed? You’ll be able to download the video and share it onto your Facebook page and even in your email newsletter. How cool is that?!  

PSST –> Read all about hosting an Instagram Live Q&A from your desktop

6. Collaborate on a Gift Guide

If you know a bunch of awesome businesses with a similar target market, collaborating on a gift guide is a fantastic idea! Your gift guide could be a series of Instagram carousel posts, an Instagram Story highlight or a blog post. Heck, if you want to go all out it could be in an e-newsletter!!

7. Offer an Exclusive Discount Code

Want to spike your sales? Offer an exclusive discount code OR free gift with purchase for anyone who follows along with your Instagram. You could put it in your IG bio, at the end of your IG story highlight, or make it a regular reminder throughout the holiday season in your IG stories.

8. Host a Pre-Christmas Giveaway

What better way to celebrate your community than with a pre-Christmas giveaway? If your entry method is for them to invite friends by tagging them in the comments you’ll be able to grow your following and potential customer base too!

9. Leave Lovely Comments for Others

Engaging with other people on Instagram is a fool-proof way to get attention back onto your posts. This is particularly important if there are a few people who used to comment on your stuff aaaall the time but you haven’t heard from them in a while. It’ll give them a nudge and remind them that you exist – just make sure your comment is lengthy, kind, and relevant to their post!

10. Ask People to Tag Friends

One of the easiest CTA’s in the world to add (call-to-action) at the end of your Instagram captions is “tag a friend who would love this!”. OR, better yet… “tag your love to give them a nudge” – y’know, we’re all leaving a trail of hints for our significant others… or is that just me?! Phew! I hope you really enjoyed our tips for increasing Christmas sales! These are sure to serve you well this holiday season, and for many holiday seasons to come. Happy Instagramming!